Herbalife Ireland Independent Distributor

The Common Ingredient Unhealthier Than Sugar

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There is one ingredient that is worse for you than sugar that most people are completely unaware of, and that is seed oils.

Seed oils (commonly referred to as vegetable oils) are found in many food items, such as dressings and crackers, as well as many others. Margarine is solely made from these oils. We consume a lot of these oils without even being aware that we are doing so. And if you like fast food you can bet that's what is being used for cooking your burger and fries.

The Problem with Seed Oils

So what is the problem with these oils? By these oils we mean canola, cottonseed, grapeseed, safflower, soy, sunflower oil and any other seed oil.

Although they're usually refined, even unrefined and cold-pressed versions of these oils pose the same health risks, because the oils are naturally rich in polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs). The molecular structure of PUFAs makes them very unstable in the human body, where they generate a tremendous amount of free radicals - chaotic reactions that damage cells.

Free radicals are a normal byproduct of metabolism that our bodies are equipped to handle, but only up to a point. Seed oils produce an onslaught that far exceeds our innate capacity. PUFAs are inflammatory and damage the lining of blood vessels, affecting overall circulation and blood flow to the brain, and increasing the risk for heart disease and diabetes.

The Upside of Eliminating Seed Oils

One of the most noticeable benefits is mental clarity - like a fog has lifted from your brain. Other benefits include unlocking the ability to burn body fat, fewer headaches, a better mood, less anxiety, and overall enhanced mental performance. Less craving for sugar is another major advantage.

The Solution

To begin with, use healthy options in your cooking - cold pressed olive oil, coconut oil, butter and avocado oil, to name a few.

Secondly, try to avoid processed foods that use seed oils - easier said than done. If you normally buy pre-made salad dressing, just make your own. Be a little more vigilant when purchasing processed foods and check the ingredient labels for seed oils. While it may be difficult to cut these out completely, cutting down on intake will definitely see some results.

And, of course, avoid deep fried fast food, where you can, because these are the worst culprits.

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