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6 Ways To Burn Fat While You Sleep

Sleeping Woman

Your body is always burning calories to keep your bodily systems working - pumping blood, breathing, digesting food, and all the other life-sustaining jobs it performs. You've probably already heard that the more muscle mass you have, the more calories your body is burning at rest, but did you know that you could also burn calories and fat while you sleep? With some minor tweaks to your daily habits, you can unleash the full potential of your body's natural fat-burning ability while you sleep.

1. Avoid Carbs in the Evening

If you need to eat some carbs, consume them during daytime hours and less in the early evening. You'll go to bed with less of the hormone insulin in your blood, so your body can metabolise fat for energy while you sleep.

One of the fastest ways to get rid of body fat is to prevent surges of insulin at night, which will take unused calories and store them as fat. If you have to eat at night, choose a piece of lean protein and a side of salad or greens that will prevent big surges of insulin.

2. Chug a Protein Shake at Night

Shake up a protein drink if you feel hungry in the evening. Several studies have found that protein before bed not only helps you build lean muscle mass, but also aids in muscle and cell repair.

3. Nosh Sleep-Inducing Foods

Try eating foods rich in the amino acid tryptophan, which includes turkey, chicken, and eggs. This protein can help to promote relaxation and sleep. In addition, proteins cause the body to use more calories during digestion than carbohydrates, which may further improve the body's ability to burn fat overnight.

4. Go Fully Dark

Exposure to light before bedtime has serious implications for your health. Sleeping in total darkness releases the hormone melatonin, which helps regulate sleep, blood pressure, body temperature, and cortisol (the stress hormone) levels.

Melatonin also assists in the production of 'brown fat' which is key in metabolizing calories, so shut off your electronics an hour before bed and make your room as dark as possible while you sleep.

5. Let's Get Nuts

One handful of walnuts and almonds can increase your melatonin levels and promote better sleep. They're also good for your heart.

6. Go Green

Add some plants to your room. It will give you more oxygen while you sleep and improve the quality of your sleep. This will make a difference as getting a deep, restful sleep not only improves your mood when you wake up, but will also help your body burn more fat. Additionally, if the weather allows, sleep with the bedroom window open.

The Final Word

The key point here is to give your body a break from insulin over the late evening and period during which you are sleeping. Don't eat too late and definitely avoid carbs after dinner. This will allow your body to use existing bodily fat for fuel during that period.