Herbalife Ireland Independent Distributor

How To Get Back on Track After a Binge

Walking on Pier

Overeating is a problem almost everyone trying to lose weight faces at one point or another, and an unexpected binge can feel incredibly frustrating. Even worse, it can cause your motivation and morale to tank, sometimes leading to an endless cycle that can completely derail your progress.

However, this doesn't have to be the case. Incorporating a few healthy habits into your routine can help you persevere. Here are some tips to get back on track after an unplanned binge.

Go For a Walk

Going for a walk right after you've overeaten can help you clear your mind and will make your body feel better, too. Walking has been shown to help accelerate stomach emptying, which may relieve uncomfortable feelings of fullness or bloating caused by overeating.

It can also help burn some of the extra calories that you might have consumed during a binge.

Walking can also improve your mood and reduce some of the negative feelings that may trigger emotional eating.

Sleep It Off

Getting enough sleep after an episode of overeating is a good way to fight off cravings and get the next day off on the right foot.

Studies have found that a lack of sleep may be associated with an increased appetite. In particular, sleep deprivation may affect levels of ghrelin and leptin, two important hormones involved in hunger and appetite regulation.

After an unplanned binge, try going to bed a little earlier than usual to ensure you're able to fit in a full night of sleep and get a fresh start the next day.

Eat A Healthy Breakfast

While it may be tempting to skimp on breakfast or lunch the day after overeating, starting your day with a healthy meal can actually help you get back on track.

Not only does it allow you to start fresh after getting a good night's sleep, but it can also help you get right back into your routine and make healthier choices throughout the day.

Ideally, try to pick a meal that's high in both protein and fibre to get your day off to a healthy start.

Stay Hydrated

Not only is drinking enough water crucial to overall health - it's also key to maximizing weight loss and keeping your appetite under control. After an episode of overeating, it's especially important to make sure you're staying hydrated throughout the day.

How much water you should drink per day can depend on a number of factors. However, the easiest way to meet your hydration needs is to listen to your body and drink when you feel thirsty.

Start Exercising

Setting a regular exercise regimen can come with a multitude of health benefits, but it may be especially useful after an episode of unplanned binging.

Exercise may also regulate your appetite to help keep your food intake in check and prevent overeating.

Try hitting up the gym shortly after a binge to stay motivated and get back on track. Even better, make exercise a regular part of your routine. Try finding a type of physical activity that you actually enjoy.

Increase Your Protein Intake

Boosting your intake of protein-rich foods can have a powerful effect on regulating your hunger signals, appetite and feelings of fullness.

Protein may also impact levels of hormones like ghrelin that can influence hunger. Ideally, you should make sure you're fitting a good source of protein into each meal and eating high-protein snacks throughout the day.

The Take Away

Slipping up and binge eating while you're on a diet can be frustrating, but it doesn't have to slow your progress or hinder your weight loss. Instead, let go of the guilt, forgive yourself and don't let it impact your motivation. The simple tips above will help you get back on track and continue toward your goals.