Herbalife Ireland Independent Distributor

Can Poor Sleep Lead to Weight Gain?

Tired Woman

Did you know that you can go about three minutes without air, about four days without water, and only about nine days without sleep?

Why is sleep so essential? For something that takes up a third of our life, sleep still holds a lot of mysteries. But we do know that many biological repair processes and basic maintenance of body functions take place during sleep. We make antibodies, clear infections, get rid of cellular waste, rest and restore our brain, and boost our immune system.

Sleep & Metabolism

How does poor sleep contribute to obesity, diabetes, and metabolic issues? It's known that lack of sleep raises the stress hormone cortisol and increases glucose production, which raises your blood sugar.

Studies have shown that markers of increased insulin resistance appear after just one night of partial sleep deprivation. Symptoms of prediabetes can arise with as little as five days of sleep disturbances. Blood pressure also increases with sleep deprivation.

When you are sleep deprived, the hunger hormone ghrelin increases while leptin decreases, which leads to increased hunger and cravings.

Other studies show that when you are sleep deprived, the hunger hormone ghrelin increases while leptin decreases, which leads to increased hunger and cravings. You are more apt to overeat, especially on unhealthy foods, to consume more calories, and to experience emotional or stress eating when you are sleep deprived.

How to improve sleep

There are a number of proven ways to get a better night's sleep. These largely involve setting up a relaxing sleep routine and creating a better sleep environment. Some of these are done right before bed, but some are done during the day in order to set you up for a night of better sleep.

Establish a sleep routine

Watch what you eat and drink

Create a positive sleep environment

If you are trying to lose weight, getting a good night's sleep is one of the best things you can do for it. It's also essential for good physical and mental health!